seth tremblay photography
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growing up in the beautiful
lakes region of New Hampshire

I love being as close as possible to the wild lakes, woods, mountains and all they have to offer. Spending my youth in the wilderness between hunting, hiking, and exploring, I started photographing in 2001 with a simple film camera. I would roam the surrounding area capturing the natural scenery from wildly occurring flora to an abstract look at the fleeting orange and yellow sunset over the Belknap range.

Continuing my pursuit of passion over the next decade has taken me into wilder places between the Rocky Mountain states, the Redwoods of California, Alaska, Greece and countless other places in between.

During my years photographing wildness I uncovered a passion for photographing the beautiful moments we often miss in our lives. I absolutely love the feeling of capturing someone’s true expression through moments of warmth and love they get from a partner to uncontrollable belly laugh from a sibling. Finding the joy and preserving the memory you look back on for years is something I strive to provide for every client.